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Utah’s Rimfire Revival “The Revenge”

Welcome to Utah’s Rimfire Revival – The Revenge

Co-Match Directors Jared Howell & Boyd Linder are back. Once again the world class North Springs Shooting Range will be the venue and new pieces of the property will be utilized. It is our goal to host the biggest quality NRL22X match to date. We hope you will join us! As a competitor you can expect a challenging but fair and most importantly fun match. The COF is designed to test the skills we have found valuable shooting National Level matches and championships. It will test data management, position building, equipment manipulation, time management and yes even memory! We feel all these skillsets are important factors in building a precision rifleman.

Range Address: 5245 S 8000 W Price, UT 84501

Round count: 150-200 plus zero

Stages: 12-15 stages with 90 sec par times, magazine changes and will be limited to one support bag. 

Distances: Expect to engage targets from 10 to 300 yards. There will be a zero board with paper at 50 yards. There will be no steel out to distance available the morning of.

Trophies & Prize Table: We will have trophies for all top shooters in their divisions based upon participation of said division. ie: we do not want to award participation trophies but we feel you should be recognized among a large group of peers.

If any division has 10 or more participants that division could expect top 3 trophies.

Prize table will be done in order of match finishi. 

Range Officers: This match will be self-RO’d !!!

You should be prepared to help your squad with these duties. Registration will be the morning of the match.  We will distribute match books at registration.

Food: We will have snacks and water throughout the day and a nice meal at the awards. If you have any special dietary requirements we’re sorry please plan accordingly to suit your needs.

Safety: This range is a cold range! No rifle will be loaded before you are on the line and instructed to load. When transporting rifle between stages and on the clock muzzle must be directed up. We will require empty chamber indicators at all times while not actively engaging a stage. Ear pro and eye pro, While it’s highly recommended it is not required. please use at your own discretion. Schedule: The gates will open at 6:30 and the range will be open for zero and registration at 7:00 am. You must stop at the office to check in for the range prior to moving to the match location. We will have safety brief at 8:00 am sharp and plan to go hot by 8:30 Thanks for looking at our match!

Questions: For any questions, please contact Boyd (801) 910-8932

April 13

Northern Utah Precision 22LR

April 20