Big Salty Range and the Salt Lake NRL22 Club
Big Salty Cowboy Range is a private range reserved for competitive shooting, gun safety classes and weapons training. Some of the competitive matches held are SLPSA, Steel Challenge, 3 Gun, Cowboy Competitions, and our NRL22 Competitions. The range is owned by the State of Utah (UDWR) and leased for clubs and special events.
The Big Salty range is in the same general area as the Lee Kay Public Shooting Complex but is located behind the public range off of 5600 west. The Big Salty Range has it’s own entry gates and access road, you can not get to the Big Salty Range through the Lee Kay complex.
Unofficial Address: 5650 west 1740 south, West Valley City, Utah
At this time, there is no official address to the Big Salty Gun range. The best way to find us it to follow the directions below. For GPS, you can use 5650 west, 1740 south and it should put you very close.
Take State Route 201 to 5600 west.
Exit on 5600 West
Turn North on 5600 West, go to the 1st light north of the freeway at 1730 South
Turn Left (West) on 1730 South and follow the frontage road around the bend to the South
The range entrance will be the first right after the curve South. (look for the signs for NRL22 & Big Salty).
Go through the gate, turn right, then left and follow the road to the 100 yard bays on the west end.
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